Here is a reason for joining this fruit feast challenge. This narrative highlights the remarkable experience of Zatonia Powe, a person living with Type 1 Diabetes, who participated in the March '24 Challenge. Thank you Zatonia Powe for sharing your journey
**Day 1**
Zatonia shares that as a Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetic, she has been able to consume a significant amount of fruit without requiring insulin for the day. Remarkably, her blood sugar levels have remained within the normal range, and her blood pressure is also normal. She emphasizes the healing power of nature in her journey.
**Day 2**
Continuing on her journey, Zatonia reports that her blood sugar and blood pressure remain stable without the need for insulin or blood pressure medication. She notes a significant reduction in symptoms such as chest pain, nerve pain from neuropathy, numbness, tingling, and brain fog, expressing her enjoyment of the fruit feast so far.
**Day 7**
After a week, Zatonia observes a remarkable improvement in her skin, reporting that marks and dark spots from her insulin injections have almost disappeared. She shares a lighthearted moment when a store clerk mistakenly thought she was much younger than her actual age of 45, indicating that she feels and looks more youthful than she has in years.
**Day 23**
By the three-week mark, Zatonia reports the complete disappearance of high blood pressure and the need for insulin doses for her Type 1 Diabetes. She recounts an instance where she consumed two mangos without insulin, experiencing only a slight increase in blood sugar, which then returned to a normal level. Her blood sugar readings have not been this low, even with continuous insulin use in the past. Zatonia reflects on the opinions of her doctors, who stated her pancreas would never heal, expressing hope that her pancreas is indeed healing.

I want to share a remarkable story.
This is what happens when you stick with the program. Thank you, Clifford, for being a trooper
Hello Good People,
I am in my 7th Fruit Feast Challenge. I joined for the first time on July 1, 2022. It has not been easy, but I am happy with the results. I used to wear a size 3X shirt. Now I wear a size medium in shirts. I was wearing a size 46-48 waist in pants. I now wear a size 34 in pants. The 34s are very loose now. I am no longer a diabetic, I no longer have high cholesterol. My blood pressure is 120/75. I was taking 6 pills a day for all my health issues. I do not take any medicine now.
When I first started the fruit feast challenge, I could only walk for 30 minutes, breathing hard. I now walk a minimum of 90 minutes with no problem. Today July the 3rd I walked for two hours and I could have walked longer. I walk every day. I make the time to walk.
I have had two (2) lacunar cerebrovascular accidents (mini-strokes). I was diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia (VT) on May 18, 2021. I had a VT ablation on May 25, 2021, and was weighing 292 lbs. I now weigh 184 lbs.
What Orvel Douglas is telling us is the truth. The information he is giving us works. Following his advice will give you fantastic results.
You must go through the detox, the cravings, the headaches, the pain, and the doubts. Push forward, do not quit. Climb that mountain, do not give up. Do not listen to the doubters. Show the non-believers that you have the power to make the transformation in your life to better health.
My life has been transformed. My health has been renewed. I am a new man. I am 62 years old. My journey has been given new life. I haven't felt this health since the day I was born. I just celebrated my birthday on June 28.
Eating Fruit is the best breakfast, the natural sugar energizes you. Eating fruit will boost your mental health and emotional health.
Thank you, Orvel Douglas, you have helped me get on a new journey for greater health. I am not finished. I still have a ways to go. But I am on the right track for more transformation in my life. I am happy! I am excited!!! Thank you!!!

I have been blessed by this group. I’m so grateful to Orvel Douglas for being the one who gave me the confidence and to eat raw food as my only option. From 250.2 points to 224.2 in less than 30 days. I DIDN’T feel like this 30 days ago. I was running up and down the steps in my house yesterday and didn’t feel aches, pain, tiredness, or anything. Most of all, I didn’t look this vibrant and alive 30 days ago. I’m inspired by you all. November 1, 2023 is the day my life changed for the better. I shot this photo in my studio this morning. No Photoshop. I’m so grateful. Thank you all for your stories and inspiration. You all are everything.
Yay!!! Today feels Good to Me, Joining this challenge was 1 of the best decisions I made. I'm thankful to have lost 28lbs and counting. The reason I did this challenge was to change what my doctor said was in my bloodline. Both my parents have high blood pressure, and take medication. So I went for my annual physical and got great reviews of my bloodwork, but for the 1st time she said my blood pressure was border line, you need to lose weight and she said when your blood pressure is like that, I usually put my patients on meds. So on that day I knew I didn't want to be on any medication and needed to lose some weight to make it happen. So upon leaving her office I made up my mind because this was serious talk right here and I had to make some changes if I wanted to be successful and not start taking meds. So on March 15th I went back for my 1 month appt ( because she gave me 30 days to try and make some changes) to see my doctor and I lost 14 lbs and my blood pressure was 122/90 and that was my motivation. My doctor was so proud of me and I mention to her I started going to the gym more and change to a healthier fruit lifestyle, 218lbs to 190lbs now, Thank you Orvel 😊
Marva Perdriel
Hi everyone this is my first post in this group and my 1st fruit fast. I have been reading the posts daily and encouraged by many. It has been challenging but I am
pressing through. Some days and
moments are easier than others! I have challenges finding sweet good watermelon at this time in Chicago but I am staying
focused. Watermelon is my favorite fruit! I take each day at a time instead of looking at how many days I have left. I have to do
this to stay focused! I also make sure I remember my why". Better Health is my why and losing weight is awesome too! Here is some of the things I am noticing so
I lost 12 pounds
My knee pain which was badly is
nonexistent.I have more energy
My nails are growing like crazy and way stronger.
My teeth feel stronger
My bowel movements don't stink at all lol Sorry TMI
Hi there! This is my 1st time fasting on raw & fruit only. Also in this group. Enjoying it and LEARNING 🤓. The first week I've eaten like 5-6 meals aday and had a light headache. This week I started with 2-3 meals and my body is working crazy good. It's vibrating - like I'm high. If this the new normal I don't wanna change it. Last weekend I had to prepare the eating for a party with quite a lot of people and had no cravings. Kept me safe with watermelon. I've almost tasted while cooking like 5times 🙄. So breaking the habits at all and especially of thinking about food is my topic. I feel like I'm winning 2 hrs a day. I feel light and calm. Certainly lost some pounds, I assume mostly water 'til this point. Oh and the craziest thing was to experience movement & quite intense workouts without drinking water. I couldn't imagine this. But it works and it's absolutly crazy. I thought I've learnd a few things in my life about eating "right", but I feel kinda fooled about all the myths how to eat this and that. This fruit experience is really revolutionary for me and it shows me how magical the human body is. Thx 4 this experience! I do have some questions but I don't want to talk/think about food now and how to go on afterwards at this moment lol just to keep focus for the next 2 weeks. But then...✌️🍉
Anna Zucker
On a positive fruit 🍇🍓🍌🥝🍑🍍🍎🍉 note….
I’ve struggled all the way through the challenge with my tummy & bummy issues😖😳🫣😵💫
I was convinced I wouldn’t make it through first week but here I am, nearly 3 weeks in on Monday 🙊🙊 & still going strong.
The pay off has been tremendous!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
After 2weeks I’ve lost a total of 9kgs (19.8lbs) I’m thrilled lled 🥳🤩🥳.
No slip ups 🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 & feeling great 🌟☀️🌟
A full Fruitarian diet probably isn’t my forward lifestyle choice but wow what a wonderful experience…
My sister & niece have been following the program with me. It was my sister who encouraged me to do the challenge with them to help with my aching old body. We have all been helping each other stay focused & it has been a success.
It’s winter 🥶 here for us & not a lot of fruit choices plus our bodies are craving warm food . (We’re in Perth, Western Australia)
Fingers crossed I can make it through to the end of the month - 10 days to go ☄️☄️🌈💥💥🔥
Thanks Orvel 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Janis Robyn
I'm very pleased to announce it's been 18 days of coffee-free, an addictive grip has been shed (along w/ 12lbs of toxicity) hard to believe these two things happened together 💪
These high watery fruits are literally magical and made the difference, mostly this one for me...Hope everyone has a healing day 🙌💜 Thank You Orvel for the motivating messages and videos
Started with a long-time dependancy on coffee and weighed 144 lbs, w/ lots of toxicity, edema in tissues, lack of overall energy, just not feeling good about myself. Believe it or not, drinking anything on a habitual/ addictive basis will negatively impact you beyond what you realize and imbalance every aspect of your lifestyle, not to mention bad eating choices get tied in, bc coffee beans are cooked, therefore, acrylamide forms in the body. I was in cognitive dissonance forgetting everything I actually know. Addiction is adhering to a lie. Eating only fruit clears out every lie, I had to face my inequities, which was one word; weakness!
Decided once and for all, to kick down the coffee beast with the Fruit Challenge. Now 118 lbs, 24lbs released through my body's ability to detox, eating only fruit, this way of living has changed everything for me, now I'm renewed 💜 unlimited potential.
Having watched the scale prove to me that my day to day choices mean everything, I completely get it; eating Fruitarian is my chosen lifestyle, as it was always meant to be.
Now my daily choices include working out, staying athletic in my activities, as I rebuild my lean strong body. This has truly been a blast of a journey, even through the tears, pain, and reminding myself that going without that craving won't kill me! I'm out of the addictive darkness. The best thing is this; there's not one addictive thing in my life, controlling me now. For that blessing I keep choosing fruit.
Heartfelt Thanks to you Orvel Douglas and for all your energy poured throughout your personal journey as you share to motivate us onward and upward 🙏❤
Marlena Garsha
I am healing from the inside out. This works. All hail fruit and yes it works Orvel Douglas. Thank you for being my friend. I had to have an arm brace and leg brace on. Now I do not. I could not lift my right arm and now I can lift it now half way up. Fruit is a miracle. I am going to be able to run again. Fast like the wind. 💨💨💨💨
Cassandra Glynn Kutcher
I have a varicose vein running over my shin that showed up a few years ago during powerlifting training. I thought it was my imagination at first, but it started getting softer during this challenge. Now, it looks like it’s going away 🤯
Christopher Neville
💥Better elimination
💥Increased energy, even with. being at a conference and the energy drain that sometimes comes from folks - I'm good.
💥No swelling in my feet during the
Conference and the 6hrsx2
travel hours.
💥I am not preoccupied with food.
💥I know hunger to eat, not by
Emotion, which was my norm.
💥BP excellent; Cholesterol
Jackie Rooths
Today is the last day of the Orvel Douglas May fruit feast challenge. We have had some amazing results and I will be continually posting these results throughout the month of June. This could be your story on this page. Sign up for the July 1st challenge and you will be on your way.
Thank You Orvel, I am so excited I have Lost 20 pounds this month and I feel GREAT. Who would have thought by eating God’s gift fruit, I would achieve my goals I have been trying to loose weight for years and have tried just about everything out there and always felt headaches, stomachaches and hunger pains. Doing this challenge I did not experience none of that. I have more energy my skin cleared up and I didn’t need any supplements. I went to the doctor she said all my blood work and my Blood Pressure was Good. I went from 198 to 178 I am going to stick with eating lots of fruit with my meals. 20 more pounds to go I Got This.

May Asberry Davis
This was after day 3 for one of the participants on the Orvel Douglas 31 day fruit feast challenge. If this happened after day 3 imagine what’s going to happen by day 31. Their will be an update to this post
Orvel Douglas Thanks for your insight Orvel. Well I've got a win already, just on day 3. The pain and stiffness in my right knee has reduced significantly and that's been giving me problems for months. It's gone from from an 7/10 on pain scale to about 2/10. Really happy about this! Some mild fatigue but apart from that feeling pretty good!
Callum McLean
Now this is a powerful testimony.
The power of fruits. Day 18 on the Orvel Douglas Fruitarian Lifestyle July fruit feast challenge. Look at the progress after 18 days.
A Testimony to Orvel Douglas and the power of The Fruit Feast. I’ve been on this journey most of my life my last doctors visit I tipped the scale at 478lbs my perk was over 650lbs. I had everything imaginable to go with it HBP diabetes poor circulation eyesight breathing heart issues immobile shortness of breath etc… nearly died several times I don’t know what it really was that made me think maybe this time this Orvel guy might be on to something so I committed. I thought my legs would never function right ever again let alone see the color bounce back those layers of fry skin felt like alligator hide, honestly those pics where you see the lightness of my skin I just took moments ago. Trust me I almost quit everyday on this challenge and I would have never known the power of Fruit Feasting for anyone like me who felt like giving up hopefully this will help to inspire you to keep fighting forward if I can do it anybody can. I will forever be grateful for the number one guy in my book, ✅ I’ve personally learned The Healing & Restoration Power of Fruits, out of all the hundreds of programs I’ve been on NOTHING compares to The Healing Power of Fruits
✅ Significant Weight Loss clothes & shoes fit much bigger (don’t know the pounds loss I don’t have a scale)
✅ About 8 Inches off waist
✅ Circulation Greatly Improved
✅ Amazing Lymphatic Drainage
✅ Skin Discoloration almost gone on legs
✅ Improved Energy & Mobility
✅ Sleeping Better
✅ Improved Digestion with no Herbs/Supplements/Teas
✅ Eyesight Improved
✅ Nightmares and Bad Dreams Gone
✅ Anxiety & Stress Easing up
✅ Breathing Improved
✅ High Blood Pressure regulating
✅ Blood Sugar stabilizing still get some highs depending what fruit I eat and how late
✅ Aches and Pains disappearing
✅ I still haven’t experienced real hunger or thirst
✅ I can walk further without getting tired
✅ I’m now focusing on living more than focusing on dying 😂❤️
✅ Better Clarity
Orvel my new found Brother from another mother. My Teacher, Mentor, Instructor, Motivator, Guide, Inspiration just to name a few. My life will never be the same since crossing paths with you my Brother like the African Proverb says; “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” Thank you for your tireless sacrifices to help me and others I will forever remember the simple priceless lessons you have taught me. I already anticipate the next challenge and will always encourage others to join. I really, really appreciate you my brother and I hope and pray you receive the desires of your heart and more. Ok

Gabriel Lewis
So I had a weird pea-sized growth on my upper leg (looked like a wart) and it’s now flat and diminishing!
I truly believe it’s the fruit that healed me! 🤗
Monica Fritz
Day 21 on the Orvel Douglas Fruitarian Lifestyle July fruit feast challenge. I will like to share this story from one of the participants.
Orvel Douglas this has been an amazing journey so far. I was already eating a lot of fruit on a daily basis before this challenge and no junk food or meat therefore it has not been very difficult for me to abstain from eating other things.
I have to say I was a little skeptical about being able to do my intense training workouts but to be transparent about it, I've actually been feeling a lot more hydrated and able to complete the workouts with tons of energy leftover at the end. My training partners are constantly running for water breaks and I don't drink any water during the training. I'm also going to confess that I have not needed any pre-workout or EAA'S that I was eating prior to this feast. I have more mental clarity as well and my muscles don't remain sore nearly as long as they did before or as bad
I have not really had any detox symptoms except for the last 4 days but I'm going to attribute that to spending time around a specific lady who was sick. I had a mild case of coughing up mucus and lower energy but it is pretty much done with today. I've been sharing what I'm doing as far as eating this month, almost without fail, they always say where do you get your protein. It's becoming hilarious to hear this. I don't want to make this too long, anyways I've been reading most of your posts and learning more, thank you Orvel for putting this together
Here is a great testimony to share with all you fine people. I had a friend Jerry white who called me on July 16th telling me that he was in Hospital on June 19th with severe shingles. The doctors also notified him that they found severe scarring of the Kidney’s. They released him from hospital on July 4th. They also told him that Normal kidney function is at a 1, his was a 6. Also His creatinine was at a 13, Normal creatinine is 60. The Doctors also had him on different types of medication and steroids. I advised him that he needs to Join the fruit challenge that I conduct on Facebook because if he doesn’t it’s only going to get worst. Jerry is a person who eats the Standard American diet with a lot of salt, Sugar, Meat etc. I told him you have to treat this aggressively by giving up all e foods that you normally eat. He was trying to wrap his head around not eating any of his favorite foods that he eats on a daily bases. I told him that’s the only way that you will get of the medication. Moving fast forward he started the challenge on July 17th. 10 days later he had to go back to the hospital for more tests on day 10 on fruits his creatinine went up from a 13 to 30, also his Kidney function was 6 and now it’s a 2. the Doctors are astonished. They are weaning of all medications at this moment. He his so happy how quickly these changes happened. He will be continuing for the 31 days even though the challenge will be over tomorrow so you can imagine what his numbers will be after the 31 days. I call this a very successful story.
Jerry White
Another fantastic testimony from the July fruit fest challenge. He lost 80lbs. Thank you Dionta Sutton for sharing
I would like to thank Orvel Douglas for using his resources and experiences to educate us on what our bodies thrive off of.
my experience this month is as follows:
I lost 80lbs.
My detox symptoms wasn’t as severe as before when I did the challenge.
My mobility and breathing has improved.
Me just simply following“eat when hungry stop when satisfied” is improving the mental side of my health journey. Eating out of obligation & eating out of need is a big difference. I realize all of the time I was eating before I didn’t need to eat. I was not hungry.
I also realize do not need a big ole meal for nourishment & energy.
The nutrition in fruit is definitely what the body needs to function. I feel the difference with my vision, hearing, thinking, my sleep is peaceful.
I stop passing gas at night, after the 2nd week, my frequent urgent urinating decreased. The swelling in my calf area has decreased. My blood pressure is normal. My doctors has decreased my high blood pressure dosage & removed me off the water pills.
My skin is improved. My mood is better. IM going to keep going.

Dionta Sutton
This is an amazing testimony. I gave Lj Holton a consultation a month ago. She was determined to reverse health issues that she was going through. She disciplined herself to eat all 100% high watery fruits without any overt fats. Here are the results after 30 days. #ThePowerOfFruits.
Current Fasting Glucose: 96 Start Fasting Glucose: 356 [Without MEDS or Insulin]
Current B/P: 129/88 Start B/P: 180/118 [Without MEDS]
Current Weight: 205 Start Weight: 221 (5'8)

LJ Holton
Hi Orvel, I don't even know where to start but I must say you have changed my life in the best possible way. I have been suffering with weight issues, hormonal problems, high blood pressure and pre diabetic for a good number of year now. I have tried some many different diets and things. I started your 30 day challenge last year and could only get to about 12 day because of my job and indiscipline. Earlier this year when I saw the 61 days I decided an going in all the way. Let me tell you I started a week or so before just so I could set myself right this time. Around 13 days in I stopped taking my blood pressure meds cause I realized that I was skipping them and feeling much better. Went to the Dr on day 16 for my regular check up,pressure down from 161/124 to 130/105. Everything from the lab came back perfect as well. Around mid April I started feeling so weak and tired all the time,went to the Dr panicking but still sticking to my fruits. Did a whole new batch of blood work everything still great. Would you believe it that they send me to do an ultrasound plus more tests. Drs called me in urgently second week of May Ms Lee you are 8 weeks pregnant 📷🤔📷🤔 who can tell me that this lifestyle doesn't do wonders for the body? @45 expecting my first child. No blood pressure no diabetes. Please keep on spreading the Love.
Jolieth Scott
I keep telling you all about the power of fruits. This is an amazing testimony from being Diabetic 25 days ago before doing the Orvel Douglas 25 day fruit feast challenge to reversing diabetes. Oh just to let you know this was his first fruit feast challenge ever. This means his diabetes was reversed in less than 3 weeks because he got tested a week ago. Fruits are the most electrical food on the planet.
Nothing else is needed.
Today had my blood test results from last week. Now just to let you all know last week I was on my fruitarian feast diet eating mega amounts of fruit and people were telling me that I was a type 2 diabetic and I shouldn’t be eating so much fruit as it turns to sugars. I will admit I was a little worried in case this was true because I was doing so well with getting my diabetes under control and reducing my medication. Well, today I was told my blood sugars are lower than normal and that the diabetic nurse was recommending that I stop taking my medication as this could leave my blood sugar to low praise be to God this was the best news I could ever wish for finally, my life is getting back to normal.
Colin Smith.
I lost 20 pounds in 15 days. My brother also lost weight...and when he went to his doctor his levels were so great his doctor was soo amazed and asked what was he doing...he told his doctor he cut out meat and dairy and was doing only watery fruit....his doctor said KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING. A Big thank you from Ohio!! And YES we are gonna do it again!
Malakhi Marshall
Day 15 of the Orvel Douglas 30 day fruit feast challenge.
I forgot to tell you man that I Have Diabetes, High blood pressure and being 51, I have been having ED Problems, Since eating these fruits I woke up fully erected. It’s been about 10 years since i woke up with a Morning erection. I thank you and i will go all out on these high watery fruits. On the side note i also lost quite a good amount of body fat,
I been telling y’all how powerful fruits are. What are y’all waiting for. Proof is in the fruits.
Malcolm West
This is the kind of results we are already getting and we are only on Day 4. Can you imagine what’s going to happen by Day 30.
Yesterday evening I was feeling pain from my waist to my feet and my pee in the night was smelling like antibiotics like I've taken ampiclox,but now am feeling better,Am so. light and energetic ,thanks to Orvel for this fruit feast. You see old medication as been lifted out of the fatty tissues and are in circulation for excretion! Y’all better pay attention to the power of 100% high watery fruits
Oluremi Christiana
Day 5! Going strong! Acai bowl with organic cherries and dates. Passion fruit and bananas to top it off. After eating 4 days of eating grapes and drinking mango/date smoothies, my stomach was very uneasy. Expelled mucoid plaque on day 5. NO HERBS! That's the power of fruit. That was 5 hours ago and now I'm hungry!
Chelle Beck
Dear Orvel, I just want to confirm how helpful was the fruit feast I followed in the summer. Just like you said, my anemia of many years went away magically! Although I eat a few times tomatoes and cucumbers, still my health improved a lot. Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to repeat the experience again. Cooked food is the worst addiction of all. Anyway, thanks for being there for me, when I needed it and of course, for the wonderful interview you gave me! 📷🤗
Lioara Clemente
Mark Rogers Fruit Fest testimony. For some time, prior to actually doing Orvel Douglas Fruit Fest, I followed Orvel's post re his one month Fruit Fest. I was resistant to trying because I love my meat, coffee and nuts too much. For various health concerns and personal observations re my mental and physical performance I came to the conclusion that I needed to do something so on 1st July 2017 I went and stocked up on fruit and began. At first I had more cravings than hunger pangs. I missed my coffee in the morning, my peanut consumptions through the day but apart from that no feeling of being on a diet as this Fruit Fest is that you can eat as much as you want whenever you want. BRILLIANT. I'm about to finish my month of only fruit. I planned to celebrate it with a food festival of my own as a treat to myself like I just got parole from a sentence but in honesty now i might only have a nice coffee and a packet of peanut lol. You see I've learnt so much about myself, and this month of fruit only has forced me to evaluate my health issues and to anyone reading this FRUIT IS AMAZING! REMEMBER MOTHER EARTH PUT IT HERE FOR A REASON. They provide us is everything we need NATURALLY SO IT MAKES SENSE TO EAT THEM AS A MAIN SOURCE OF OUR DIETARY NEEDS. Not only have I lost over a 20 lbs in weight, feel great , stronger and mentally more alert but I FELT NO PAIN DOING IT. It might not be for everyone but i fully endorse trying it. I'd thank you Orvel for making me aware of it and through your constant encouragement and advice on your Fruit Fest FB site I ever felt alone. In fact I felt part of a friendly group - all encourage each other and reporting their minor break though or major problem IT'S BEEN FUN. IN CLOSING I am continuing my fruit diet permanently. I haven't decided how I will implement it as yet as I'm not planning to become a fruition however i want to continue the Benefits fruit has provided me both mentally, physically and spiritually. Thank you Orvel Douglas It been a fruit blast . PEACE
Mark Rogers
Good morning I started the challenge late but I'm on day 5 today and I just wanted to share my experience so far, I woke up at 6:30 am this morning (this is new for me lol) feeling awake and alert like I had finally gotten proper rest. This morning's blood pressure (no HBP pills for 4 days) vs last weeks to the day (with 6mg Candesartan) is attached, I can hardly believe it myself. Last week landed me in the hospital with some major symptoms resembling a heart attack and because as some of you may already know I had a heart attack last August at the age of 40 this really scared me I knew there was no more fooling around and I needed to get serious about my health. Yesterday I had some major detox symptoms that made me question this lifestyle a bit but Orvel sent me a link to read about the detoxification process and it eased my mind and I decided to keep pushing on. I'm happy to report that it has eased up this morning and I'm feeling much better I have lost 10 lbs this week, albeit most of that is inflammation and water retention I am sure because I had CANKLES when I started this journey and now I can see my ankles an I have had a wheezing in my chest for about 3-4 months now that I could never shake, this morning I noticed it was gone even when laying on my back. The pain in my legs and feet I have every morning is gone and going up and down the stairs is no longer hurts. Saturday I spent the whole day at Darien Lake theme park in NY and for the first time ever going to a Theme park I didn't have sore excruciating foot pain when the day was over I'm sure the best has yet to come and I'm going to trust this process and learn to live life ....so this is me saying hello from my front porch enjoying my morning fruit smoothie of Bananas, mangoes, peaches, and berries telling you all to get your fruit on!!!! Xoxo
Valerie Ayotte-Rollin
My Facebook friend Tama Simukonda contacted me about him having a Urinary Tract infection. This how the conversation went down. I urinate too many times in a day and with very little time between each urination and I also find it hard to hold urine even for a very short time.Since 2015 when I try to hold my urine it sometimes seeps out.I didn't think it a big issue until this year, however sometime back last year December when I fell sick I was found with UTI. Could it be the cause? So do you think fruits can help me heal? My answer was give the Orvel Douglas 31 day fruit feast challenge and let's see what happens. Here is what happened. Thank you Tama Simukonda for sharing your results. One more thing I must point out is that No HERBS were used in the healing of this young man
Here is his story Hi Orvel how are you? I went on a raw fruit feast and by day 7 my chronic diarrhea is completely gone and my urinary is completely gone, my face got smoother, my hair shinier and silky, my teeth whiter and my gums stopped bleeding, my sleep is much sweeter and my body more energetic. Fruits really are the best foods for optimum health. The power of 100% Fruits.
Tama Simukonda
Hello!! Before I started the 31 day challenge I have been suffering with a cyst on my wrist and fluid build up in my shoulder from my accident. I kid you not around day 7 of the challenge the fluids in my shoulder are completely gone and on day 15 I noticed the cyst on my wrist is almost completely gone. I never thought fruits were this powerful when it comes to healing your body!! Day 31 here I come!
Christina Lambert !
I really don’t know why I committed to the fruit feast… First off I don’t like fruit. Well, that much. Second I’m a diabetic… even though I no longer take medication. Third I was always told to stay away from most fruit because it would raise my blood sugar. So basically fruits were a thing of the past for me. I didn’t want to risk getting ill and being in the hospital. I really haven’t eaten much fruit in the last 5 years… But since I have been following Orvel… And reading and researching some of the things he says. I can’t lie and act like it researched everything… Just the things that stood out to me. And even then I still was afraid to eat fruits. But now I’m here at day 10!!!! Never thought I would make it this far. I love having my coffee every morning before the gym. And throughout the day as well. I just really like coffee… Orvel says no coffee..just fruit and that’s it. I said to myself I’m going to drink coffee no matter what he says. But then I realized in order to see the full effects of this so-called fruit feast… I would have to stick to it 100% The first day I was having coffee and cigarette withdrawal. Yes, I smoke as well. But I made the brother a promise… and I wanted to see if what he was saying was really true. Yes, I’ve read many of the testimonials, but I said to myself that’s their body, not mine. I was looking for every excuse to not do it. But I gave both up the coffee and the cigarettes. That day was a hard one considering this has been something I have been doing for many years. Bought some mangos, apples, and grapes. I was only able to eat one mango the first day… basically out of fear of my blood sugar going up. But I made it through. The second and 3 days I was messed up. I felt a bit light headed and dizzy… stomach was just out of whack!!! Didn’t feel like myself and that was the perfect moment for me to get out of this… Considering I wasn’t that happy about it in the first place. But by the 4th day, I was back to normal. I was told that the way I was feeling might happen.. so it was expected. Now I’m at day 10 and going through it like a pro. I’m still not a big fan of fruits… but I must say I feel good. I don’t have this cramping on my knee like I did before I started this. My skin looks better and I actually have more energy…go figure. Never thought that would happen. Know I’m eating more mangoes, apples, grapes, cherries, and oranges. I’m taking it one day at a time… that is all I can do. But I do see myself completing this. Oh and lost 5 pounds… so hey… I’m in this to win it.
Oh, the main thing I need to mention is that my blood sugar levels have remained normal throughout these 10 days. One thing I know for sure is that I won't fear eating fruits again
Kevin Moreno
This month I celebrate my fourth vegan anniversary, a.k.a. my “vegan-versary”!! I have been a vegan for four consecutive years and I must say it has been quite a journey of ups and downs. To all who are starting or continuing this vegan lifestyle I’d like to share with you how my life changed dramatically after connecting via Facebook to a black fruitarian by the name of Orvel Douglas. Douglas is a not just a fruitarian but a Certified Nutritionist, Diet Specialist and Coach with over 15 years of experience. I can’t wait tell more about my experiences with this man…He’s simply amazing and ageless.
But first I want to give a bit of background on my vegan journey. Previous to being a vegan I was a vegetarian turned carbo-tarian (person that starts to solely feed on carbs like: pasta, rice, bread and potatoes) for 17 years. In fact, there were periods in my newly married life that I even took time out of my vegetarian lifestyle to somewhat cater to my husband who ate everything…I mean everything. That just wasn’t for me and so after about two years of eating on and off vegetarian, I went back to my vegetarian roots. Around 2012 I started to consider the idea of becoming a vegan. By July 2013, I dove in head first as a raw vegan eating a 80/10/10 styled vegan program. I consumed enormous helpings of fruits and veggies not really understanding the laws of food combining. Although, I must say I was gaining clarity and feeling fit as a fiddle until I started getting the detox symptoms.
In the first three months I experienced everything from increased acne with devastating scarring to dramatic hair loss, fatigue and severe coldness in my extremities. At this point, I thought “Maybe I should quit this foolishness and just go back to eating vegetarian,” but my ego self said “No way, keep pushing, you’ve come this far so let’s see where this goes.” Anyways, I continued on for another 3 months and of course many of my symptoms went away except for the severe coldness in my hands and feet. (River Goes Raw Vegan) A total of six months had passed and I finally fell off the wagon due to the extreme craving for all the carbs I love.
When I fell off the wagon, I thought I’d never get back on my vegan journey until about a months and a half later. Yep… I was back on the saddle again but this time, I decided to eat cooked vegan foods only after 5 p.m. So I began what is called “Raw Til Five” routine of consuming raw vegan meals up until 5 pm. This lasted for a couple of years and soon found myself eating cooked vegan food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was eating at all the types of vegan restaurants and enjoying the latest vegan processed foods, like burgers, brats, chips, pizzas and cookies. You name a processed vegan foot, and I was eating it. My body soon began to speak, or perhaps I should say it began to revolt!
By the beginning of 2017, I had Candida so bad that it was in my scalp. I knew something had to change. After figuring out what was happening to me, I took what I thought was a homeopathic direction, and started on a Candida 30-Day Herbal Cleanse. Although it wasn’t vegan, I was in so much agony and I took it anyway. In fact, I felt so bad that I would have tried over-the-counter medicine if it was prescribed to me.
At any rate, I started the 30 Day Herbal Cleanse and it was the most painstaking process ever. I swallowed at least 8 pills daily and not to mention I was on a restricted non candida food regimen that were tasteless and simply unfulfilling. AND, by the end of the 30 days I still had Candida. I was just about to start the 3 Day Herbal Cleanse again when I decided to check on Facebook for others who may have been in my shoes.
This was the around the time I found the one and only Orvel Douglas. I met him on one of his multiple vegan groups he administrates on Facebook. Actually, I first reached out to him for a friend who suffers with severe diabetes. He was quick to respond with the most factual information. He was honest and very open to a number of questions I had on her behalf. This led me to dig deeper into the resources he had available.
So one day, after eating homemade veggie broth; literally starving and about to start another cleanse, I finally decided to go to Orvel’s Fruitarian Fruit Feast page and reached out to him on my behalf this time. I reluctantly informed him that I had Candida and I had just started a weight-training workout routine mixed with HIIT where I was seeing great results but now I would set back my progress being stuck eating veggie broth and drinking only distill water. In truth, I was miserable, near tears, praying that he could help me. He simply encouraged me to drop the veggie broth and get to eating fresh raw fruit high in water content to help remove the fats stored in my blood stream. He even explain how the Candida was feeding off the sugar that was directly connected to the fats in my blood stream.
Orvel then sent me a link to his 31-Day Fruit Feast Challenge (for the month of May) and explained how joining it would benefit me greatly. Although it was already four days into the challenge I joined right away and witnessed many of my symptom dissipate in the first three weeks.
I followed his rules to the letter and for the most part continued the fruit feast long after it ended only to see him post the next 31-Day Fruit Feast for the month of July, in which I am currently participating. It gives me great pleasure to announce that I am officially Candida free.
Reflecting back on this journey I believe that one of Orvel s most valuable resources for me was the Food Combining Chart. Needless to say, I can testify to the power of Orvel’s 31-Day Fruitarian Fruit Feast as one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had on this vegan journey. Not only am I now officially a RAW Vegan but I can now make more informed choices by simply remembering to stay away from overt fat and to consume the watery fruits all while drinking distilled water. Although, I still suffer from extreme cold hands and feet, I believe that following the coaching of Orvel Douglas’ Fruitarian Fruit Feast will continue to heal my anemia.
If you haven’t checked out Orvel Douglas’ wealth of information, I encourage you to do so. For my part, I plan to maintain this lifestyle as I see how fruit has nurtured me back to health…
River Kia
I suffered with candida, h pylori, intestinal issues, diverticulitis, rashes, painful body sores, brain fog, dizzy spells etc. I have been a vegan for 34 years and never as sick as I was then. I suspected an air borne mold exposure but couldn't prove it and blood tests were negative.
I went to over 15 doctors including specialists and three natural doctors. Medical doctors prescribed drugs that made me worse including anxiety medicine cause they thought I was just stressed out lol!
A naturopathic doctor along with many others told me not to eat fruit as it feeds the candida so I ate only vegetables and mutliple supplements and herbs along with parasite cleanses that they recommended which cost me $300 a month for almost two years and it didn't work.
What actually did work for me was when I discovered Orvel Douglas on Facebook and did his 30 day fruit challenge where you only eat juicy fresh ripe fruit every day all day as much as you want. The total opposite of what these supplement and herb pusher naturopathic doctors were recommending to me.
Turns out that my body was just toxic and once I freed up my digestive tract with fruit, my body got rid of all the toxins and healed itself. Within the first month of all fruits I started to experience the benefits. It did not take long for my body to show me that I had finally found the truth!
Diseases I have since learned are all caused from a toxic body. Our bodies are always trying to heal so we just have to allow it to do its job and fruit gets the job done. Sometimes life answers can be so simple and inexpensive. NO PILLS REQUIRED just nature's food of fruit.....best wishes with your health.
Louise Kim Vanderhart-Tapp
Hello Orvel Douglas I'd like to thank you for the challenge. It came right when I needed it.I used to have cough every year Dr had told me it's allergies due to the change of seasons and I had this persistent cough since April at the end of the winter season I went to the Dr who told me the same answer and gave the 30 pills I should take for a month then I discovered all testimonies on your page and told myself let's try this natural healing with fruits and guess what on the 5th day of the challenge the cough I had for over a month had disappeared silently. I managed to stay 15 days on the challenge and another change I saw was that there was no more bleeding while brushing teeth. I also did IF and HIIT for the 15 days and lost 15 lbs. After those perfect 15 first days I fell off the wagon many times it was like a mental battle like my objective was reached I can cheat now and tomorrow I'll get back on the challenge. But even when I wasn't regular I continued to see the benefits like the skin on my feet changed it was like it renewed itself from dry to new. When running I felt myself so lighter and I could take the stairs without being out of breath and so many benefits.I liked this health style and I'll adopt it for the future. I know I'll fail a lot of times but I know one Day I'll win this mental battle against cooked food and junk food. Stay blessed
Elvis Mutoni
This was truly a great awakening. From someone who doesn't sleep well, my energy levels have gone way up. And has even helped me reset my sleep most nights. My primary goal is to restore my skin back to its glowing form and I am certain this is the way. Prior to starting this feast, I experienced a reaction from something I was doing which I have no idea what it was that caused the reaction. I'm guessing I was consuming way too many bananas and even made it my staple. I learned that it is not as hydrating of a fruit at all. And when I started this feast and learned to transition to high water fruits, the changes took place almost right away. I feel my internal has, for lack of a better word, eden-ized and has never felt cleaner. acid reflux is gone, bloatedness which I never thought would go away is gone, and even my bowel movement is on fleek lol. I've even gained muscle mass and am slowly starting to make serious gains with just fruit. I am much stronger now pound for pound, and my agility and speed and stamina has gone up. I've definitely primed or am on my way to it. It really does defy the aging process and make you age backward. Made crazy gains with no plant protein powders and extra high carb high plant protein cooked meals. It's wonderful! All we need is fruit! Thank you for showing the way brother. I will continue the feast and continue to live as an organic raw fruitarian now. I believe with all my heart this truly is the way. One love and blessings to you brother
Salvador Junior
I started off with very bad acid re flux to the point where I would throw up after eating. Before starting the fruit feast I was consuming more fruits to get ready for this fruit feast. I noticed after a couple days into the fruit feast my acid re flux went from severe to mild. I also learn that I was eating just because I know there's food around me. I am more discipline now. I learned only to eat when I am hungry and not because I see food. I will be doing more of this at least once a week after the fruit feast is over. It works. You just have to be discipline and be in control of you. Sometimes we have to rest off eating and fast so that the body can rest and detox. I am a firm believer that you're what you eat. Thank you Orvel for being such an inspiration to me. Never in my 37 years, I would think I could do this. But here I am and loving the benefits.
Buh bye acid reflux. Fruits are kicking
your butt.
Kerry Ann Gray
Today is day five for me, and finally, a normal blood pressure reading, something I've tried to correct in the past has now been fixed in five simply beautiful fruity days! Mine was high, and I've been a low-fat raw vegan for almost ten years now, not until I gave up the salads avocados all fat did my reading go down, I'm 62-year-old nana and wow how simple that was !!!
Diana West
I appreciate you for opening up this experience. I plan on continuing with main fruit, detoxing. My biggest challenge previously when I would do plenty of fruits was gray hairs reappearing and dental issues. After addressing digestive stuff, no dental issues.Gray hairs popped up during my water fast in Jan, especially on my eyebrows. They have stopped during the fruits feast, and about half of them are back to black now. Two huge cysts that I had during the water fast have shrunk significantly during the fruit feast, I'd say probably another couple of weeks they'll be gone. I might need to go to grape and Mandarin anonymous meeting, cause That's all I want to eat right now..lol.... I've been traveling back and forth to DC, NY, and ATL, and the simplicity of this lifestyle is wonderful and creates no challenges while I travel.... I got my daughter a Blendtec for her birthday, and I've used it once to make myself a smoothie, and just enjoying the chewing and eating the fruit. Back to exercising more vigorous. Weight is stable after some loss, but my strength and stamina are great. Looking forward to getting back to the farm in Nicaragua next month and just eat from the land for a couple of weeks. Almost mango season. Thanks again! This is a wonderful gift you share.
Mark Blake
So I keep saying how important the right diet is (understand the 100% physiological one), especially during a healing process, and that I started to heal as fast as a rocket as soon as I was totally on raw fruits. Yesterday evening I've been cheating, and not with the worst food since it was raw food. But it was high fat, and greens as well, and I had a bit of teriyaki sauce. This morning I woke up with edema and pain in my eye again, and it was red again, as well a lot of pain in my lower back. Should I also mention the migraine of last night? (Which I noticed I get pretty much each time I eat high fat). But it is good to make those little experiments, it teaches you a lot.
Deborah Geissmann
Went in for a 6 - month follow-up for HTC yesterday. BP was 117/72!!! BP has consistently been good since I started the fruit feasts with Orvel Douglas months ago. My physician said that when I return in six months and my BP is good and I am keeping the weight off he will stop my BP med ( little does he know that I quit my BP med about 3 months ago)!!! Orvel Douglas is AWESOME in his teachings!!! I am grateful I came across his page!
Damita Brown
One of my friends who I grew up with decided to take on this 31 Day Orvel Douglas fruit feast challenge. She completed 10 days of this challenge which is remarkable. Within these 10 days on fruits, all her joint pains disappeared. She was unable to cross her legs before the fruit feast and within those 10 days, this was something she could do without any discomfort! This is how fruits are POWERFUL!
Brenda Lee
I wanted to share with you this story of one of the participants who is taking part in this 31-day fruit feast. Her name is Giovanna Marchese, This is how powerful fruits are. Since I started this 2 weeks early I'm down 20 lbs. Stick with it!!! I feel amazing! I haven't been able to lose weight in 34 years due to hypothyroidism! This is beyond belief for me!!!
As a type 2 , 32 day hypothyroid hypertensive, thrice cancer survivor - with all of that you may have doubts about what's next, but listen: In October, I had a TSH of 13.46, which translates to SEVERE hypothyroidism. I reached out for help and Orvel responded - eat fruit. I add in some greens to 'balance' greens were compromising my thyroid. I ate some fats, again compromising my thyroid and diabetes. I was unable to stay out of bed; my thoughts were clear, but depression was rampant. I ate fruit for 14 days - I was able to get up, I could smile and I stopped crying and hanging in my feelings. With hypothyroidism, my bowels would be stuck - with fruit, I moved without help. I had, key word had a highly compromised system. My A1c went down. The results are here, My intellect has argued and won over my addiction to food stuff, to a level of dismissing disease and health. I am committed to TRUST THIS PROCESS. My daughter who is in positive health is joining me fo32-day fruit learning experience. I am dismissing disease. I know it is a big mind thing, so it is one moment at a time for me. Thanks, Orvel Douglas Fruitarian Lifestyle. Yesterday's doctor's visit yielded some positive nods and my skin is glowing, even though I have ways to go. Thyroid challenges for anyone are really difficult. It is a delicate balance that the medical profession still is 'practicing' with. I now believe fruit will do it! Thank you for sharing Karen Radu Day 2 on fruits was a success! Started with distilled water then onto my 5:30 am workout. Skipped my coffee routine and after my workout made a huge fruit smoothie. Made sure I packed plenty of oranges, apples, and sliced cucumber to get me through my day! Feeling no aches in my shoulder or my thumb joint, which I usually feel daily from ironing at work. That was not expected but I'm loving it,
Jackie Rooths
Doing great! I also did a 21-day fruit fast in November on my own. I noticed a couple of things #1 increased flexibility. I'm a yoga instructor and am already pretty flexible, but this was a different level. Absolutely no stiffness or restriction in the body. I practice Ashtanga Yoga for 2 hours each day starting at 3:45 am (I am going to be 52 next week, so it's a real test of my flexibility to practice at that hour) I felt like I was in a 10-year-old body, it was pretty amazing! #2 vision seemed better. I need reading glasses at times, and I noticed I wasn't using them as much while doing the fruit fast. The fast ended right before Thanksgiving and I have had a couple of salads with avocado during the past few weeks....I've noticed less flexibility, some stiffness, joint pain and that my vision has gotten worse again. I'm guessing inflammation from the avocado!
Sue Pentland
Thank you, Tamera Grammy Kiss, for sharing your story Congratulations to all that are on the fruit feast!!! I'm feeling fabulous, this has been the longest I've been on just fruit. I'm 80 percent raw fruit, 20 percent raw veggies, usually. I can't believe the difference in just eating raw fruits, my energy is off the charts, just feel so amazing in every aspect. I'm going to be 65 in Dec, and have never felt better in my life. Thanks, Orvel Douglas, as always, you da man
Tamera Grammy Kiss
I went to a trained masseuse today. When she got to my shoulders she extremely surprised to find that there were no knots at all in my shoulders and back. I had to let her know I've only been eating fruits for the past 2.5 weeks. My body is truly healing. What other benefits have I been experiencing? I don't have mucous anymore. Haven't blown My nose in weeks. Less earwax. Tons of energy. Defined abs. Clearer skin. Lips never chapped. I fall asleep easily and deeply. And feel fully rested after about 4-6 hours depending on my day. Don't even get me started on my poop. It doesn't stink! lol The hardest part of this is being tempted by the sensual smell and presence of all the cooked foods one can enjoy. This fruit feast has definitely given me an interesting perspective. It truly is a "Feast" tho. I've discovered how diverse and abundant just the fruit side of the plant kingdom is. Which in turn allows me to see immense options for food choices when it comes To other plants: vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. I can't wait to start having those savory flavors again although I'm sure that I'll be eating significantly less cooked foods. This raw fruitarian life is EVERYTHING! Thanks, Orvel Douglas for this life-changing challenge!
Jordan Urface
It's officially been ONE WEEK of the Orvel Douglas fruit challenge today! My stomach felt SO flat today when I woke up I had to measure my waist out of curiosity My waist usually measures between 26.5 in - 27in, (67.31cm-68.58cm). BUT today it was 25 in! I lost at least 1.5 in ONE week just eating 100%fresh sweet fruit tips zero working out. Body goals are made in the kitchen first! Now from there you can either do lots of cardio and light weight exercises for a slim toned body...or you can do HIIT type exercises, Heavier weights, and calisthenics to build fit curves ( women), shredded lean muscle (men), and burn body fat. It's all about what YOU want to build. Two ppl can be eating the same diet but have totally different bodies based on their body goals and exercise routine.
Breanda Crump
I did the 21 day fruitarian detox with Orvel Douglas. I have been allergic to pineapples all my life. my mouth, lips, inside cheeks, tongue.. my entire mouth blistered and bleed, felt like carpet burn, numbness, not a good feeling. Orvel Douglas told me that with doing this detox and eating this way will eventually remove my allergy... I was like really.. I couldn't believe it. 28 years of not being able to eat this juicy delicious fruit.. what really I thought. So after the detox I went back to eating high Raw Vegan and my allergy came back. When on the detox the last days I had little to no problems but then when I went back to how I was eating high raw it came back. So now after eating more fruits and lowering my fat intake I can now eat pineapple with no problem...Listen to your body. Thanks Orvel Douglas for informing me.. It worked for me...
sharia Williams
More energy, more clarity, mood, better skin/hair, less mucous, less earwax, less plaque on teeth.
Austin Welder
The feeling of energy does not stop . A few nights it was hard to go to sleep I am up before 5 a.m. every morning no problem , I have two meals a day my cut off time in before 7 p.m. I go to the bathroom at least 3 to 4 times a day .. have not had any cravings .. I am loving this lifestyle I had taken off over 10 pounds by Sunday
Sonia keels
Most noticeable is the ease of waking up in the morning. Feel light and alive upon arising. I work pretty much all day and still feel energetic before bed. Also all inflammation is gone, in the past I would feel inflammation go up upon eating a big p, gluten heavy, cooked vegan meal. So doing well, not sure if I will stick with it, but I will definitely go the month. We will see from there.
Matthew Anderson
I feel great. It's my 31st day of being Raw (11th day on Fruit Feast). My energy level remains amped up & I am back to my pre Vegan weight so yes I am light as hell on my feet. This is the best Detox that I have ever experienced in my 6 years of being Vegan. Who knows I may just become a Fruitarian myself on the over side of the road. High 5 to everyone on your personal accomplishments!
Lonnie J Irby
Still feeling ok, not so tired as before and not feeling as hungry. The weight loss has amazed me as I've been trying to lose the unwanted pounds for some time now without success. Now my abs are showing more and stomach has tightened up. I'm doing my training in the morning before eating anything. I'm really happy I started this detox, it's definitely going to change the way and what I eat.
Andrew Stumpi Williams
My family has been down with the virus.
Everyone was so sick, they were unable tr
eat anything but fruit. My kids and
husband were better within 5 days. I'm sti
iffy. The amount of mucus my body has le
go of is incredible. I'm down 22 pounds.
And yesterday, I was able to come off of the Type 2 dm meds. I started this challenge on 2 different meds.metformin was 1,000 MG twice daily. Now my sugars are controlled by what I'm eating. I feel weak physically. But mentally I feel golden.
Malia Germain
Oh my …look at these results from just being on the fruit for 5 days. I'm not sure why my foot is wrinkled and discolored and I don't really care right now. I'm an Esthetician and I can fix that! Orvel Douglas, you told me it was gonna leave...Thank you so much! I'm winning y'all!

Sharon Walker
This has been a truly AMAZZZZZING experience! I never thought I'd ever eat only fruits for any period of time. Orvel Douglas Fruitarian Lifestyle 's Challenge did it for me! I always felt him there when I had a question or needed advise. I'm so glad I did this! I had a Cyst that had been there at least a year that was GONE in 9 days...and I was able to CANCEL my appointment to have it removed!!! Truly amazing!!! If you're thinking about doing the Challenge, Please DO IT! This Challenge family is very supportive and your body will thank you for this experience! 😃❤🍇🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🥭🥝🍐🍏🍎

Renee Hendon
Wanted to give you an update on one of my clients in the group regarding the kidney issues that I posted about a month ago. Just wanted to update yall on my kidney issues which are no longer an issue if I continue to do what is necessary for my health before I started in Mid July I was in end-stage kidney disease normal kidney CREATININE IS a 1. Normal EGFR IS a 60. Beginning of July my CREATININE was a 6 abnormal. My EGFR WAS A 13, very abnormal.
Since I have been following Orvel Douglas today, I just got the results of my test. My CREATININE is now a 1.55. My EGFR is now a 51. I AM TRULY BLESSED. Now mind u gotta be honest it's been a struggle being out of work and not being able to get fruit as much as I like to but since I have changed my diet with daily exercise at home my Dr is shocked at the number reversal in such a short period of time.
Jerry White
First picture October 25th right before the diagnosis (11/18/22) 2nd picture is December 9th the biggest it was all month it was growing!! But I began to manifest and in January I decided to eat fruit only!! Last picture is January 27th!! I am a healer!!!!

Kirstie Kelly
I started fruit challenge on 1/1/23...ate fruit all day nothing else. At first I thought I couldn't do it because of habits, but I did it for 31 days & I'm still doing it. I lost waste not weight. While eating fruit only we were under a fruitarian, which is also a Nutritionist. He showed us a different lifestyle that was a big factor to healthy eating as well as living, healing naturally. I was diagnosed with uncontrollable diabetes...insulin dependent...levels always between 250-300...A1C was 12. I took myself off insulin 3 yrs ago. The doctor was not happy with me. He said that I was not cooperating so I was removed as his patient. I felt like I could overcome this. I called it a fake diagnosis. I was on Metformin XR & Gliperide, which I did not take faithfully. Long story short, I was introduced to Orvel Douglas last year in December. Im telling u it changed my life. My A1C level is now 7, which is way better, but I'm still workn on it. My current doctor told me whatever I am doing here i need to keep it up...Lol I am doing something I was told not to do and that was to stay away from fruit and if I eat them only eat a certain kind and amount. I have lost 21 pounds of waste so far still losing. I am still eating 85% fruit & the rest vegetables, no meat, no dairy. I feel amazing!! I sometimes eat in the A.M. or P.M. I realize when I'm full & I realize when I'm not hungry. Exercise everyday & I can even do situps now. I jump rope every day at least 200-300. I'm just telling you my story. This lifestyle works for me. I will be joining the challenge again March 1st for another 31 days. I missed some days of taking pictures of my meals, but I stayed true to it. I also learned to only eat what I like and it doesn't take much. TOTAL LIFE CHANGER! BYE BYE FAKE DIABETES!!!! I call it fake because I don't claim to have it. I was never in agreement with it!
Kniight Rhidda
Hey hey hey! Happy Friday 🙂
I went to the doctor yesterday and my HIGH BP is now NORMAL!!!💃🏾🥳 The physician who is filling in for my Primary Care was so worried last month because I was in the range for stroke risk. They took my pressure 6 times that day.
They think it’s the meds. Ha!
I didn’t even fill that Rx. Just fruits & a whole lotta exercise!
Day 10 fruit feast
Day 20 exercise
Nadia Jackson
I just wanted to tell you all that I’ve been fasting until midday the eating my fruit until 7pm, and low and behold a mole on my right shoulder blistered and swelled yesterday and today it scabbed, when I took a shower tonight it came off and the mole is gone! It’s just left a shallow hole!! Wow the fruit is amazing!

Lindsey Christine
Orvel my husband has ckd and high Blood Pressure he wasn’t in too eating fruit But he listened too me and for the past two weeks he’s been eating only fruit we are at his Dr office right now and I caint believe his Blood Pressure is 127/80 we are so shocked his pressure is always very high now he wants too join your fruit challenge 🍉
Gwendolyn Davis Hall
I'm a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic, as of right now with all the fruit I've eaten today, I haven't needed one drop of insulin and my blood sugars have been in normal range all day. My blood pressure has been normal all day as well. Nature is the only way to real healing, we can do this!
Day 2...
Blood sugar and blood pressure still in normal range(no insulin and BP meds).
Chest pain-gone
Nerve pain from neuropathy-gone
Numbness and tingling-gone
Brain fog-gone
Loving the fruit feast so far!
For years I've had so many marks and dark spots on the areas of my body where I inject insulin and other parts of my body, I've tried everything to clear these up to no avail. Seven days in and my skin is almost completely clear. Also, I was signing up for something in the store today and the guy told me I had to be at least 18, I laughed and said I'm 45, he was like "no way, I thought you were close to my age" super loud in the store. He was 19, he showed his id, he looked about 30 though lol. Now, I've always looked younger than my age but never like I did when I was a teen, seven days and I'm looking and feeling like I did 27 years ago. Amazing!
Day 23
No more high blood pressure! No more having to bolus insulin for type 1 diabetes. Sugars are no longer rising when I'm eating or not eating. Ate 2 mangos yesterday without bolusing, blood sugar was 140, after eating it only went up to 160 and immediately went down to 120 and it stayed there until this morning and when I woke up it was 116. My sugars have never been this low even when taking insulin all day everyday. The doctors told me my pancreas didn't work and could never heal, well, my pancreas are healing!
Zatonia Powe
When he started the May fruit feast challenge his Kidney function was at 15 After the challenge was over it increased significantly to 44. Now that’s impressive.
Here is his story
Orvel Douglas ...Yes. Very true. Thanks coach. Long story short. I was informed by my Nephrologist that my kidneys were functioning at 15% and that I was going to be put on the Kidney transplant list immediately. Needless to say, I left my doctor's office feeling defeated and depressed. Days later, I ran into an old buddy who I shared my situation with and he told me about Orvel Douglas Fruitarian Lifestyle fruit challenge on fb. So back in May I joined the fruit challenge. Initially, I have to admit the challenge was a challenge, bc I'm a big guy with a poor diet and use eating anything I want. I had to tell myself that there is a bigger picture. That kept me focused on the task of the fruit challenge. In the beginning, I ate all types of berries and dark skin grapes, bc these are your rebuilders. Later, I started to incorporate your melons,apples,pineapples into the challenge. And lemon water. The fruit challenge helped me lose 35 lbs. So back in mid June, I went back to my Nephrologist for a follow up and my doctor sat me down and said good news. Your kidney function is up to 44%. He was so puzzled as to how did I do it. I replied...I just changed my diet. Lol.
Thanks to Orvel...a large part of my diet are kidney friendly fruits. Thanks coach for your teaching man.
Orin Wilder